Booked & Blessed

Ep. 42 - Setting Goals & Intentions for this New Year and Audition Season

Karisa Hope

Hello Fabulous Friends - It's been far too long! I apologize for the lack of new episode last week - as you can tell, cold & flu season has me in an absolute chokehold.

Even so, I hope these tips and tricks for both personal- and career-goal-setting help you make this year your most blessed yet!

As promised, the music theory practice site I used in college is!

If you have any comments, questions, concerns, or burning inquiries, send 'em on over to @bookedandblessedpod or @karisahope on Instagram, and if you follow, you'll get all the updates in real time (like if I'm sick or if any technical difficulties arise)!

I hope you have a miraculous Monday & an even better rest of your week and 2024 - Let's get booked & blessed, y'all!